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    Is this normal for Madagascar Rainbowfish?

    Hi, I just added 6 Madagascar Rainbowfish to the tank this weekend. One in particular has white on its fin and I think I see it on another too. Parameters: Ammonia: 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 10ppm, pH 7.4 KH 4dkh, GH 6 dgh.
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    Injured Cory

    Hi, We finally got our tank cycled, and we bought 6 Von Rio Tetras and 3 peppered corydoras. They all seemed great going in on Saturday. Sunday morning I get up and find a Cory stick to the filter intake. I get him off with a net and he starts to swim, but looks red and bruised all over his...
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    New Here

    Hello, I am new to this forum and consider myself a newbie at this hobby. I have a 65 gallon aquarium with an aquaclear 100 running on it. I am still in the fishless cycle phase, but looking forward to fish soon! We are planning a community freshwater tank!
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    Cycling Question

    Hello All, I'm new here and haven't had a fish tank in decades. I setup my tank about 20 days ago, doing a fishless cycle. I am dosing with ammonia from Dr. Tim's and adding Fritz Turbo Start 700. For the last week, my tests all come out identically. 1 to 2 ppm Ammonia, zero nitrites, and...
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