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  1. C

    Protein Skimmer question

    Hey got a quesition I had to turn off my protein skimmer as it was getting the wall behind my tank wet and mildew or mold was growing my question is would it be ok to turn on the protein skimmer after sitting for a few months or should i wash it all out and 2 what can i put behind it to prevent...
  2. C

    Missing Dead Fish

    Why is it that all of a sudden a fish will be missing and I cannot find there corpse or anything in the tank? Is this bad to leave it in there if it is there and how should I go about finding it. I have some clown fish cleaner shrimp sand gobys and star fish Thanks
  3. C

    Clown has Hole

    One of my clowns has a small hole in the side of him by his fin. Looks a bit dirty. Anyone know what caused this /what I need to do ? Thanks
  4. C

    Eheim 2026 or 2229

    Hey Can anyone let me know what experience they have had with the above filters? or suggestions on what i should use. I have a 50 gal reef tank about 5 fish some inverts some soft corals live rock and live sand? Right now i am using the biowheel 330 and a backback 2 protein skimmer. Any...
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