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  1. P

    I think I have hair algae...but not sure

    I recently put two plants into my startup aquarium(wisteria and micro sword). I've been putting Seachem Stability into the water. I've noticed a brown hair on top of the leaves of the wisteria and i'm not sure if it is hair algae because it is brown. Does any one have any answers.
  2. P

    Diy Co2 question

    I have a question At night with your Diy Co2 I kind of figure you can't really turn it off. I guess you would have a big mess in the morning. And I've heard that you should use airstones at night to dissipate the Co2. For a 45 gal tank how many airstones would you run.
  3. P

    planted aquarium newbie

    Hi all I wish this site existed about 12 years ago. And if it did I wish I knew about it. Anyways I have two tanks (45 gal and 20 gal) about 14 years ago I had both set up. The 20 gal full of tiger barbs with no real plants and the 45 with various tropical fish (tetras, gouramis etc) with some...
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