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  1. D

    An old newbie.

    Wow its been a long time since I was on here. My last post was a super long time ago, so old that I cant even reply to my own thread. Quick Update: Since the last time I was on here the...
  2. D

    Lighting for Corals

    Ok so I have an Eclipse hood on my 29 gallon FOWLR. I got it mainly because it will keep dog hair out(I have 2 huskies). I am wanting to add some corals but I think the lighting is not good enough. The hood will only house T8 18watt lights. is there anything that this type of lighting will...
  3. D

    Need an ID please!

    I know at least one of these is bad:( but the Green thing with the bubbles on it I have no idea. And the other one looks like a tiny slug. it is definitely mobile and has a mouth. it is positions right next to that hole in hte rock.I will try to get better pics later.
  4. D

    New to AA and Saltwater! Looking for some advice.

    Hi All! I have been trolling this site for a few months now and after a ton of research here and other sites, I decided to finally start a FOWLR set up. I set up a 29 gallon tank with 30lbs of live rock last friday 3.1.09. I set up the tank in the morning and I tested the water that night...
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