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  1. J


    Hello, So.... I have a freshwater 90 gallon aquarium that I am going to make into a planted aquarium.. Currently all I have inside the tank is a large piece of driftwood and one fish with 150 pounds of sea chem fluorite. Anyways I have small snails (about the size of the tip of a needle) all...
  2. J

    In need of some filter advice!!

    Hello So I have a planted aquarium with an Eheim 2028 canister filter up and running, I have been looking everywhere for some type of sponge attachment that I could use so the filter wont suck up those large particles of plants!!!! Right now I am using the intake tube that came with the...
  3. J

    90 Gallon planted aquarium

    Hello, I am looking for some advice on my 90 gallon i am in the process of starting. So, I have a 90 gallon aquarium with about 100# of seachem flourite. I have about 250 watts of fluorescent lighting, I am using an Eheim 2028 and a Emperor 400 for my filtration. I also have a aquaclear 50...
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