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  1. S

    Mean Yellow Tang, HELP!

    I just bought a "butterfly" fish and my yellow tang hates his guts. Tang keeps chasing him around the tank. I have a 55 gal. and already tried moving the rocks around but the chasing is still going on. Any suggestions out there? Thanks a bunch
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    Dead Moray eel

    3 days ago I bought a beautiful moray eel, it was around 1 1/2 ft. long. Anyway, next day it was dead...on the floor. My tank is covered except for the small slit in the back where the filter is. It got out thru there in the middle of the night I guess. I am so depressed... sorry guys, just...
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    saltwater to freshwater

    Hello, I have a 30 gal. saltwater aquarium that I've been thinking in converting to freshwater. Is this ok? The filter is a skilter with protein skimmer in it, is it ok to use it too? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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    New tank

    Hello, I have a 30gal. FOWLR, but now I'm planning to buy a 55gal. for saltwater and reef. Wish I could get a bigger one but can't afford it. Anyway, how many pounds of live sand, or coral and live rock would you guys recommend for this tanK? Plus how much lighting? What kind of filter...
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    shrimps and starfish

    Last night my 2 shrimps molted. Should I removed their skins from the tank? Also, my chocolate chip starfish likes to curl up around my fingers when I put them in the tank. Is that bad? for me to touch it? or for it to do that? I actually quite enjoy it! Thanks for your replies.
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    Skilter filter

    I have a 250 Skilter with protein skimmer all-in-one. It's been running for month now on my 30 gal. FOWLR aquarium. I also have 2 shrimps and 3 blue-legged crabs. Well, the filter has never produced any bubbles. Does that mean is not working properly?
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    I have a 30 gal tank with about 16 lbs of live-rock. I only have a 14 watt light bulb (the guy at the pet shop said it was pretty good light) and I usually turn it off at night. I feel like the whole thing is wrong for some reason. Any ideas? Also, my tank is one of those "tall" tanks, a...
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    What's on my live-rock?

    I just bought my first live-rock 2 days ago. Yesterday, it had this very small shrimp-looking guys crawling all over it. They are about 1/4 inch long and white. Are they actually shrimp? Plus there are other things that look like little hairs that come in and out of the holes in the rock...
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    New to saltwater

    Hello, I want to start a fish only aquarium. I already have a 30 gal. tank with live sand in it and one of those filters that have a protein skimmer in them. It's been running for 4 days now (I was told at the pet shop it helps to acclimate the water). My question is if there is something I...
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