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  1. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    Please help... I just fed them and I noticed that my Kisser has a ton of white spots on his body and fins. I figured it was ick, so I would like to know what I can do to cure him right now.... Should I separate him from the rest of the group? If it truly is ick, how should I treat it? Please...
  2. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    I just bought a male Dwarf Powder Blue Gourami & a Emerald Green Cory cat for my tank yesterday, and my Opaline male was chasing them throughout the whole tank continuously! I took him out of the tank for 2 hours to give time for them to establish territory, and rearranged the decor. It worked...
  3. F

    I think my Firemouth has Ich or Lymphocystis

    He has a pimple-like thing on the side of his eye which is white and he didn't have before. I noticed it around 6:40pm today before I left to my friend's house, & since I couldn't stay home, I got some aquarium water, put it in a 5gal. bucket w/ & put him in it. Can you help me out because he's...
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