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  1. dianel64


    Just wondering how many feed their fish garlic & how do they actually go about it lol......
  2. dianel64

    Shrimp & yo yo loaches

    My friend has offered me some cherry or amano shrimp for my tank but I have yo yo loaches in it. Will the loaches eat the shrimp?
  3. dianel64

    Bamboo shrimp

    Can you keep bamboo shrimp in a 450ltr with yo yo loaches
  4. dianel64


    I have always did a 25% pwc once a week. My friend does 12% twice a week, she says its easier as her tank is 450ltr. Which is the best method, or does it matter as long as the pwc changes are done.
  5. dianel64

    Loaches I'D

    Anyone now what type of loaches these are.
  6. dianel64

    Filter cleaning

    When I'm doing my pwc I rinse out 1 or 2 of the filter sponges in tank water but my friend rinses out all of her filter sponges when doing her weekly pwc. I always thought that would lead to a mini cycle or am I wrong?
  7. dianel64

    Best algae eater & small schooling fish?

    What's the best algae eater for a 150ltr tank? It's a community tank with bronze corys & a ct betta. I'm going to have a group of small fish in it also, not sure what, maybe some sort of tetra or raspbora. What would show well with a black ct betta? I was thinking either Peckoltia vittata aka...
  8. dianel64


    This is Fred my sailfin plec. My mum bought him for me to replace my bn plec, she thought they where the same lol. Fred was only 2" when she bought him & now 2 years on he's 12"
  9. dianel64

    filter media help

    My friend is moving house & gave me her canister filter, I've never used one before. So I'm looking advice on what media to put in the 3 baskets. She had ceramic noodles in the bottom with floss on top, bio balls next with floss & carbon in the top basket also topped with floss. I have always...
  10. dianel64

    Northern Ireland

    Hi, I'm from County Down, are there any other members form Northern Ireland?:)
  11. dianel64

    How much filtration

    How much filtration do you need for a 450ltr tank with 3 bps, a sailfin plec & dither fish.
  12. dianel64

    Bronze cory fry

    I have bronze cory fry in a breeding net and I'm in the process of setting up a growing on tank for either them or Platys. How difficult is it to rear cory fry, I've heard they have a high fatality rate. I seem to be loosing about 3 a day.
  13. dianel64


    Hi I'm from Northern Ireland and have been keeping freshwater tropical fish for 30 years. I currently have a 150ltr tank housing Platys, Glowlight Tetras, Corrys & a Crowntail Betta. I also have a 450ltr with a Sailfin Plec, Congo Tetras, Burmese Loaches, Copper Harlequins & 3 BPs (controversial...
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