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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. C

    Rainbow Shark Eating Plant Bulbs

    Tank: 10 gal, two fake plants, asian style gazebo, several plant bulbs Fish: 1 rainbow shark 1.5" First off I know I need a bigger tank! I was misinformed when buying the fish and will correct this as soon as possible. Now for my question. I have been trying to grow some plants in my tank but...
  2. C

    Fish dying, pls help - urgent!

    So my daughter received a 10gal fish tank for her birthday several weeks ago. We set it up, treated the water and let the fish acclimate before releasing them in the tank. The first round of fish were four tetras that all died within two days of being in the tank (small ones first, larger ones...
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