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  1. C

    Dying swordtails?

    Does anyone know why my 2 female swordtails would die in a community tank that is stable, clean, and usually very healthy? All the other fish (black skirted tetras, neons, sunburst platies, Cories, algea eaters, aquatic frog, and 2 shrimp) seem just fine. So far the male swordtail is fine too. I...
  2. C

    Looking for some help!

    Hi everyone, I have 5 tanks in my house. My 3 small ones are my boys tanks. Each one is set up with a mice variety of community fish, tetras, platies, algea eaters, shrimp, frogs, and bottom feeders. My boys are 5,8 and 12 years of age and each loves their tanks. Since they have 2 ten gallon...
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