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  1. F

    Salt and Plants?? Bad idea?

    So I have been running about 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons in my planted 29g tank -- recommended after a bout with ich. I know that the "preventative" use of salt is a bit controversial, but aside from whether it is a good idea/necessary/helpful for my fish, my question here is this: IS...
  2. F

    Substrate Compaction with Flourite?

    I have a 29g planted that has been set up for 3 years. Over that time, I have actually worked hard not to "disturb the roots" and so basically have not moved/stirred/disturbed my substrate. Now I am reading about substrate compaction being an issue (obviously, I'm new to the forum). I...
  3. F

    Is it necessary to replace substrate in a planted tank?

    My 29g FW planted has been set up for more than 3 years. I'm using a Penguin Bio-wheel 200B for filtration. PWC 50% every two (sometimes three) weeks. Previously, I had a Nova Extreme 2x24 watt and and a 20 watt bulb (and tin foil) in the plastic light included with the tank. I never had...
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