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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. T

    What Should I Add?

    Alright, Right now I have a 30 gal tank that has been running strong for about 2 months now. Currently I have 4 neon Tetras and 3 Tiger Barbs. I had 5 Tiger Barbs but 2 killed each other before i could stop them so i am now down to the 3. Now the question is what should I add to this tank...
  2. T

    Well I had a Problem TOday

    So i come home from class today and notice that my tank is half empty and i am like what the hell so i look at the floor all around and there is a good 5 gallons of water all over the place. Needless to say i had to go buy a new one so that all my fish didnt die so i took this oppurtunity to...
  3. T

    Well Hello....

    Hello, I am newly registered to this site I have been lurking around for a little while and due to a mishap and a suggestion I have decided to join now. As for the mishap I will post that in the proper forum not here but I just wanted to say hello. I now have a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium...
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