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  1. Blood-Pop

    Torn fins

    My Goldfish (a common one, not fancy), has developed some tearing in his fins. His dorsal fin was the first one I noticed with a little tear in it, then 2 days after that, one of his pectoral fins got a long tear in it. (It's split in half, almost all the way) His tail fin seems to be having...
  2. Blood-Pop

    Goldfish with Popeye

    My Goldfish has had both his eyes bulging abnormally for quite a few months now. He's in a 10 gallon tank (Too small, I know. But I'm doing water changes everyday until I can get a 20 or 30 gallon tank.) I treated him with Maracyn-Two in June, then Maracyn-one in July. I didn't change the...
  3. Blood-Pop

    Medi-Gold in Canada?

    Is there anywhere I can get Medi-Gold from in Canada, or any website that carries it and ships to Canada? The Goldfish Connection said is doesn't ship outside of the US and Singapore, and I believe Fishsempai doesn't sell it to Canada anymore. My little fishy really needs this stuff ASAP...
  4. Blood-Pop

    Goldfish's eyes are bulging out more (Popeye?)

    First off, I'm not an expert in fish. I know very little about them. I didn't go out and get a fish for the sake of having one, (I only would've done that if I had knowledge about taking care of them first), but my Dad passed away, and he owned this goldfish (Lincoln). So, I kind of had no...
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