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  1. B

    wiped out

    I had been really pleased with my tank over the last few months until I got greedy. I bought some black neon's and got them home into the tank then noticed they had ich. After an initial panick i slowly cranked the heat up to 85F. After a week my 3 guppies and 2 cherry barbs were totally...
  2. B

    tough tetras

    Hello people, After having a disaster with rummynose tetras this week i was wondering what do people recommend as the hardiest variety of tetra. Preferably the more placid species that don't nip fins. I still have one rummy left and he has started eating and generally doing ok, i have started...
  3. B

    first deaths

    Hi, As this is my first post i thought i would thank all the great advice that got me through the first 2 months of my new aquarium successfully. I have a 10 gal biorb with 4 male guppies 4 cherry barbs 2 rummynose tetras and some assorted live plants. I managed to get my cycle established...
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