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  1. trinifella

    Female on male aggression times 2!

    Hey guys, I have 1 pair of Dwarf Gouramis each in 2 20g tanks, and its like Armageddon over here (well was, only 1 pair left). The females absolutely cannot stand the males. It started in one tank first, so I switched the partners around. That did not matter. Both females kept chasing their...
  2. trinifella

    Cheapest filter for 120g Business Tank

    Hey guys, I was thinking about selling Gouramis in my vegetable shop and I have a perfect stand to fit a 48 x 24 x 24 120g tank. My friend has alot of Honey Gouramis and all sorts, so we thought, hey why not. I was looking for a simple, effect, cheap, filtration method since I cannot afford to...
  3. trinifella

    Do sponge filters circulate the water enough?

    Hey guys, I have a lightly planted 20g, which i was running on an AC50 and was fine. But i gave it away and am stuck with an old Aquatop CAF-60 sponge filter atm. Right now, its being powered a 20g Azoo air pump which i know is a little weak but still, i feel as if i should be getting some...
  4. trinifella

    Better water ciruclation or less surface disruption?

    Pretty new to this whole planted thing, so I needed a little clarification on this. I am 2 low tech tanks, non-co2, and was wondering if better water circulation was more important in a planted tank than less surface disruption. From what I understand from reading, better circulation transports...
  5. trinifella

    Encountering aquarium fish in the wild- Share!

    I thought it would be cool to share that I saw the most amazing thing last week for the first time in my life. My friend for some years saw my pair of dwarf gouramis in my tank and told me he doesn't understand how I could keep those in my house, since they've pretty much invaded the area in...
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