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  1. J

    Moorii's and Ilangi

    I have a 55 gallon tank I'm looking to go all tropheus. Currently I have 3 yellow banded moori and two jewel cichilds. I'm a big fan of the Ilangi and was wondering if I could mix the moorii's and Ilangi. If I can, what is the least of each I should go with. If the jewels have to go I can give...
  2. J

    Help! 55 gallon Tank.

    Just looking for some general suggestions with what to fill my tank with. Right now I have the following: 2 Jewel cichilds (1 about 2 inches and 1 about 1 inch) 3 Tropheus Moorii (pretty new to the tank, about half inch each and look to be moliro and yellow banded moori) Looking for colorful...
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