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    New fish ideas

    Hi again, I've spent most of today travelling around my local and not so local pet shops enquiring about cichlids. I have arrived at a list off various shops of cichlids they either have or can get and was wondering what your opinions of them are as I have never kept cichlids of any kind. It's...
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    New fish ideas

    Thanks all for replying. I've never heard of firemouths or keyholes before but they both look very nice fish, at the moment my tank is very yellow dominated in colour due to the gold barbs so something with a bit of red or orange would be welcomed. I will definitely get more corys and tiger...
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    New fish ideas

    Hi all, first time poster hoping for some seasoned advice. I currently have a 240 litre tank occupied by 3 bronze cory, 3 pepper cory, 1 bristlenose, 7 harlequins, 3 tiger barbs, 6 gold barbs and 2 gouramis (1 small yellow and 1 big blue). My question is can I add any more fish and if so could...
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