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  1. Tropical Aquarist

    For Sale: cull shrimps for sale

    Yeah, culls are just "undesirables" ones that don't have good color. They are great if your scared of investing lots of $$$ on the real deal, so you can see if they work in your tank....
  2. Tropical Aquarist

    Watsonja4's Planted Journey "Fluval Spec V Build"

    Really nice aquarium you have there! Betta looks amazing as well! The mesh is called needlepoint, it's dirt cheap and can be used for a variety of aquarium projects!
  3. Tropical Aquarist

    Apistogramma Cacatuoides biotope

    That's awesome! The Agassi is beautiful! Be careful with wild live foods, you can bring all kinds of disease in...
  4. Tropical Aquarist

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    Sorry to hear that! Prevention is key!
  5. Tropical Aquarist

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    76-78 is the ideal community tank temperature, I prefer lower temps as bacterial infections are less likely to happen and spread. Water changes might do the trick for you...
  6. Tropical Aquarist

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    When you have issues like this, true best thing is to do a large water change, ASAP! As much as you can while still leaving 1-2" for the fish. Then refill and double dose water conditioner. Unfortunately I don't think your tetra will make it. In my 8 years of Fishkeeping, if a fish is swimming...
  7. Tropical Aquarist

    My Algae Playbook (After last years experimenting)

    Awesome write up! Bookmarked this! Although I'm not sure about the BBA, I had a healthy tank that was running on Excel and as soon as I stopped dosing after a week I had a huge spread of it.... Almost everything spreads faster in Warmer water, like fungus, and bacterial infections. Fish grow...
  8. Tropical Aquarist

    Giant danios 20 gallon tall

    Giant danios in theory would work with your stock, but really need a bigger tank at least 48" long. They get to about 4" long and are extremely active, and should be kept in larger schools of at least 6-8. In small schools they can get very nippy. If upgrading a tank is not an option, I'd...
  9. Tropical Aquarist

    Another fish id

    Hmm, hard to tell exactly, but he looks like a common to me.
  10. Tropical Aquarist

    Adding a Betta to my 55gallon.

    Great!! Scarlet badis all the way!
  11. Tropical Aquarist

    How many?

    Sounds good! Are you getting the regular ones, or the gold, or longfinned? My friend has the gold long finned ones and they are gorgeous. I have the regular ones, still really pretty, especially the males when they show of.
  12. Tropical Aquarist

    Another fish id

    You're welcome! Usually it's a common pleco as they're very cheap, but double check it could be a species that stays smaller like a Bristlenose pleco. This is the perfect time of year to rehome one though as many people add them to their ponds. Craigslist is probably best.... And yes zebra...
  13. Tropical Aquarist

    Empty 20 gallon tank stocking advice, really don't want to over do it!

    +1! Just want to say dwarf cories are what I was talking about as well. Dwarf cories do best in large schools, 8+ since they are so small. The bigger cories are fine in groups of 4-5.
  14. Tropical Aquarist

    For Sale: Guppys for sale

    I believe he was selling them for $10 a pair.
  15. Tropical Aquarist

    How many?

    If you only want white clouds, I'd do 6-8. Would love to see pictures when you set it up!
  16. Tropical Aquarist

    Another fish id

    It is in fact a zebra danio, it's a Glofish Danio! Google it for more info, they're a genetically modified fish so they glow under blue lighting. The pink one also seems to look like a Glofish. If your pleco is a common pleco it can get huge (up to 18") so I'd look into rehoming it.... If you...
  17. Tropical Aquarist

    Empty 20 gallon tank stocking advice, really don't want to over do it!

    That's a great sized tank, and I love the stocking ideas! I have a 20 high set up with 6 neon tetras, 6 pristella tetras, 5 baby bronze cories, a female betta, a young swordtail, and planning to add 8 ember tetras. Eventually will move the cories to a different tank, as they have a higher...
  18. Tropical Aquarist

    Adding a Betta to my 55gallon.

    What's up friend? Honestly depends on the Betta, I've got some that can be trusted with baby guppy fry, others that will chase everything. Typically the ones with long fins are safer as they aren't that past (compared to plakats/veiltails). I'd test it by putting a few shrimp in his tank and...
  19. Tropical Aquarist

    ID Fish - Panther danio?

    Btw The article I posted above also has some information on breeding. This is a great book with general advice on breeding fish, also explains some of the things I mentioned in much more detail. Only a cent plus shipping! Basically...
  20. Tropical Aquarist

    ID Fish - Panther danio?

    Firstly make sure you have a place you can sell the fry to! Either a locally owned pet shop, or an aquarium society. Are you in the US, if so What state are you in? Second, you'll need a 10 gal tank, and a 20 gal tank( or bigger for when the baby fish get bigger). For the breeding tank...
  21. Tropical Aquarist

    ID Fish - Panther danio?

    It's probably a variation, it's the closest match I found. You should breed them! Danios are super easy to breed, and fun. Great summer project... Btw congrats on photographing the danios, they are so hard to get.
  22. Tropical Aquarist

    ID Fish - Panther danio?

    It's Devario auropurpurea. There common name is "Lake Inle Danio" or "Burmese Tiger Rasbora" they're from the same lake as CPDs(celestial Pearl danios) Nice find, these are incredibly rare fish, and are an endangered species in...
  23. Tropical Aquarist

    Yippeeeeeee!! (no pic :( )

    Yup, sparkling gouramis croak at night! They are also called Croaking gouramis for obvious reasons....
  24. Tropical Aquarist

    Buying online in USA

    LOL that's pretty funny! Amazon usually has the best prices, just make sure the items aren't coming from China and will take 3-5 weeks to ship! also has a lot of items, great site. has an amazing selection of fish foods, and makes most of them himself.
  25. Tropical Aquarist

    Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD) tank zone?

    Hi there, CPDs are pretty small and would definitely become snacks for a shark, and would be out competed for food by the zebra danios. Also while they are called "danios" they are really a lot more like Rasboras, not as hyper active as the zebra danios! In your setup I would not recommend...
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