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  1. P

    Sick Pleco - Please Help

    Thank you all for your great advice. I also bought the general cure powder and it seems to be working. There is some white discharge when he poops and his belly is getting better :)
  2. P

    Sick Pleco - Please Help

    Thank you for the advice. I bought the bogwood and I'm hoping he likes it. I see some comments about the tank size, but I can't afford a bigger tank for him. I took him on from a co-worker that was leaving the state and I'm doing my best to accommodate the fish in the tank with frequent water...
  3. P

    Sick Pleco - Please Help

    Pleco Sorry, here's the pic...
  4. P

    Sick Pleco - Please Help

    Sick Pleco Thank you for the quick reply. I'm not sure our type of Pleco, so I've attached a pic of him. We do not have wood in the tank. What type of wood should we feed him? Is it something we can get from the pet store?
  5. P

    Sick Pleco - Please Help

    Here's the info about our Pleco: We adopted him about six years ago and he's around 10 inches tall. He's in a 40 gallon tank and there are only two other fish (both are Buenos Aires tetras). Here's our dilema: Our Pleco has been ill lately and his stomach looks like a balloon. He has lost...
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