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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. M

    Stocking ideas

    Thanks a lot guys, I have to unfortunately go out of town for fish, so I have to phone ahead. Any ideas as to species?
  2. M

    Stocking ideas

    There's a term I keep seeing, don't understand lol wet pet! What does that mean?
  3. M

    Stocking ideas

    Perfect will do, any other ideas?
  4. M

    Stocking ideas

    Sorry of course the important part I left out, my appologies. Its 48 long by 18 high by 14 inches wide. It was custom built, I'd imagine 55 or so gallons. Mike
  5. M

    Stocking ideas

    Hello, I am new to the forum and was wondering what large freshwater fish I could stock. I've currently got 6 rummy nose, 6 neon tetras, 4 assorted dwarf goramis and I'm wanting something 6 inches or larger. I've looked into discus and I'm not able to do the constant water changes anything out...
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