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  1. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    Thanks to all for your suggestions.. the last fish has died and the tank water is actually worse even after a 3 day blackout. The snails are still alive and I have done a 40% water change now that the fish are all dead. I have put the tank light on a 6hour timer and I have lowered the...
  2. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    I read somewhere that you should not dump the LFS water into the tank. I usually put the whole bag in the tank for an hour or so to match temperatures, then I scoop out the fish and put in the tank. I have been doing water changes once a week, maybe 20% tops.
  3. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    The snails were added at the same time the two new additions were added.
  4. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    I do use a heater and the water temp is a steady 80 or so. How low should I let it go?
  5. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    Nope. Only additions were 3 snails and the fish themselves.
  6. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    Lights (LED) go on at dawn and off at dusk. Feeding is once a day in the morning.. a small "pinch" of flakes. The filter is a biofilter that a rinse/wash once a month and have replaced 6 months ago. Ammonia levels are 0. I don't know how to check the nitrite/nitrate yet. It's just 1 fish and 3...
  7. C

    Need Guidance to Stop Killing Guppies

    Need help desperately with some guppies. I have had this 15 gallon tank for about a year now. I've had some deaths and replacements over that year. Two weeks ago, one of my two long term survivors died. I bought two more guppies to appease my 8 year old daughter. During the past week, my other...
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