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  1. W

    75g with LOTS of fine scratches -still safe to set up?

    Thanks for the interest! I am definitely open to any and all suggestions. I'd kind of like to do something a little different. I have a few ideas rolling around my head. I typically will stock the tank heavily with alot of stem plants right from the start so there's not much of a cycle. I'll...
  2. W

    75g with LOTS of fine scratches -still safe to set up?

    Thank you all for the responses, it certainly helps put my mind at ease. I really appreciate it. There were 3 people in my family who taught me about fish while growing up, who I could go to for advice and they have all 3 died within the last few years. So I've been sitting here looking at this...
  3. W

    75g with LOTS of fine scratches -still safe to set up?

    Hi all, I recently pulled my mom's old 75g out of storage. The tank sat empty for a few years with about 2.5 inches of that old epoxied/painted Estes brand gravel in it before mom finally took it out. The gravel was so old that the outer coating was coming off and showing the white stone...
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