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  1. J

    Newbie pH Problem

    I do use the liquid API test kit and I know the nitrate test is a little particular. I just checked all three levels again, being careful with the nitrate test, and found that the ammonia level is between 0 - .25, the nitrite is 0, and the nitrate is 0.
  2. J

    Newbie pH Problem

    The tanks been going for about 4 or 5 months now. I do a 30% change every couple weeks.
  3. J

    Newbie pH Problem

    The ammonia nitrite and nitrate levels are all close to 0. From doing some reading, it sounds like I should consider dosing the tank with some nutrients for the plants. I guess I can forget about adjusting the pH. Thanks for the advice.
  4. J

    Newbie pH Problem

    Well I only figured there was a problem because I lost 4 tetras within a day or two of purchasing them. I figured it was due to the high pH. I guess I was shooting for 7.0
  5. J

    Newbie pH Problem

    Hey all, Just found your community here and am already finding it helpful. Glad I stumbled on it! I have a 10 gallon tank with a 29w florescent bulb. I have a chunk of drift wood with a couple java ferns growing on it and a few antique bottles sitting in the pea sized gravel. There are two...
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