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  1. F

    Stocking for 29g High?

    Hey all! I have a 29g high tank all planted and about ready to go. Let me know what you think of the stocking? 12 Celestial Pearl Danios 8 Harlequin Rasboras 3-6 Dwarf Anchor Catfish (Hara jerdoni) Some wild type Neocaridina heteropoda (Cherries) I was kind of considering White Cloud Minnows...
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    Help with Plant ID (Staurogyne repens?)

    Thanks! I was wondering if they looked so different because they're TC.
  3. F

    List your favourite plants and why.

    Mine's a bit more subdued than that one, I just find that it's a great photo. :) I keep it in a dirted tank, soon to try out plain old sand with Flourish root tabs. My tap water is soft and is about a pH of 7.1 - 7.2, and I try not to mess with changing those kinds of water parameters much...
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    List your favourite plants and why.

    It seems to be a less common plant (I had some trouble finding it to purchase), but I love Cryptocoryne albida. I really dig Crypts to begin with, but the markings on C. albida's leaves are incredible. I have the brown variety, which looks like this:
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    Help with Plant ID (Staurogyne repens?)

    So I recently purchased three tissue culture cups of what's listed as Staurogyne repens. When I received them I thought they looked a little strange, but tossed them into my tank anyway. I'm thinking that I might have been sent the wrong plants. Here are some photos from the listing: And...
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    Need Advice on "Instant Cycle"

    Would 4-5 juvenile harlequin rasboras be good to sustain the bacteria? Or do you think that would be too many? I didn't want too small of a group to stress the fish, but be too much for the bacteria.
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    Need Advice on "Instant Cycle"

    Nope, no fish. I just wanted to play with trying an instant cycle. I certainly wouldn't want to leave fish in an uncycled tank (as the 29g is uncycled).
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    Need Advice on "Instant Cycle"

    Would that be enough media for an instant cycle?
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    Need Advice on "Instant Cycle"

    Hi all, I have a 29g that I'm thinking about trying an instant cycle with. It already has substrate, plants, and its own filter (Eheim 2213). I have another tank - a 55g with nine rainbow fish - with two filters on it (Eheims 2215 & 2217). I was considering switching the 2213 and the 2215 to...
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    Peat Moss in Substrate Lowering pH

    Thanks all for the advice! I'd prefer not to tear everything out again - I have many plants already established. One question, along with a lot of water movement, would daily water changes assist in balancing things? My thinking being that a somewhat continuous flush of neutral fresh water...
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    Peat Moss in Substrate Lowering pH

    Delapool to the rescue again! Thanks for the reply. I'll toss in some coral.
  12. F

    Peat Moss in Substrate Lowering pH

    Hi all, I've had a new tank set up, just sitting cycled. It is a dirted tank with a sand cap. I've been testing the water and the pH has been low (about 6, maybe lower). I was puzzled as to why it would be lower than the tap until I thought to look at the bag of organic soil - it has peat in...
  13. F

    Rainbow Fish with Popeye

    Alright, I'll stop off on my way home and purchase some Prime! I'm really hoping it helps. I dosed the tank with Maracyn. The pH is about 7.2 and soft-ish water.
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    Rainbow Fish with Popeye

    I've had the tank for nearly 2 years and I've never had this problem previously, so I'm not sure if it's the tap or not. I used to use Tetra Aquasafe, but I recently purchased Stress Coat+ which is supposed to detoxify heavy metals (I thought that might be the issue). I've only done one water...
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    Rainbow Fish with Popeye

    Hi and thank you! :) According to AqAdvisor I'm understocked by about 25% (I've heard the estimate it gives is conservative?). My tank is fairly heavily planted and I do weekly WC of about 30%-40%. I used the API Master Test Kit to do nitrates, etc, toward the end of the week and it was <5ppm...
  16. F

    Rainbow Fish with Popeye

    Hi all, I've had this issue for a long while, and I'm not sure what to do. Two of my rainbow fish have had popeye in both eyes on and off for a few weeks now. I've tried treating with Maracyn II and Melafix and neither helped. I've tested the aquarium water and the water from the tap - no...
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