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  1. L

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    UPDATE: tetra did not make it through the night Lesson learned here: if a fish exhibits any abnormal behavior act on it immediately
  2. L

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    Btw I'd set the water temperature to 76, 82 is pretty high! Thanks for the help. Will try the water change. He isn't swimming quite as erratically (he seemed like he was panicking before, now he seems calmer) The bubble is gone, but I can't tell if it went down or ruptured. The opposite eye...
  3. L

    Black Skirt Tetra not well

    Pop-eye? One of my Black Skirt Tetras began swimming oddly two days ago (like he was swimming facing up, sideways, or upside down) and yesterday I noticed his eyes had become cloudy (they weren't two days ago when he was swimming odd). Today he has developed a bubble on his left eye. Did some...
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