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  1. pmvaldon

    Quiet/silent air pumps

    ive found the Uniclife Nano Aquarium Air pumps to be completely silent.
  2. pmvaldon

    tap water and crazy nitrite levels

    this advice is good. using live plants such as hornwort will quickly remove anmonia/nitrites etc..
  3. pmvaldon

    Fish diseases we can catch :0

    None. fish specific diseases are not communicable to humans.
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  7. pmvaldon

    All plants curiosity

    there are many who have such tanks, often called "water gardens". mostly show nano tanks. these tanks often have fertilizing and co2 additions. many look real pretty, altho not a natural look.
  8. pmvaldon

    My tap water

    Ammonia 8...sounds like you hav a contaminated well water source.
  9. pmvaldon

    Fish in bucket with aerator overnight?

    just add a heater to the bucket and they should be fine.
  10. pmvaldon

    Help! brackish water plants

    Many brackish water plants require higher light. What you want to do is difficult to make work in a small aquarium. Let me know what plants you get to live.
  11. pmvaldon

    Removing tannins in a pond?

    Yes purigen will remove tannins. so will Poly-Fiber by bio marine. i would use both.
  12. pmvaldon

    Breeding shrimp

    The guppies will actively hunt those shrimp. Best to have shrimp breeding tank separate.
  13. pmvaldon

    Need opinions on water chemistry levels

    Your live plants will have those nitrates knocked down in no time. Dont sweat it. If need be, add some floating live plants to speed up nitrogen uptake if you want.
  14. pmvaldon

    Adding nutrients to tank causing the opposite

    what you find is many compartmentalize aquatic fishkeeping, without bringing in System Biology or mini ecosystem understanding. The public at large would have way few problems with aquariums if they werent being bombarded with quick fix chemicals, gas infused waters, sythetic derived...
  15. pmvaldon

    Adding nutrients to tank causing the opposite

    i stopped adding any fertilizers or liquid carbon. planted Tanks with fish dont need em, and may even cause vigor to decrease.
  16. pmvaldon

    Nitrate help please

    Get some live plants, no more nitrate problems, less frequent water changes.
  17. pmvaldon

    UV sterilizer

    i run lights 8 hrs per day on live planted tanks. cutting down light will definitely help with blooms etc.
  18. pmvaldon

    58g tank filter, hob or canister?

    58g go for canister or a deep blue professional hang on back 55.
  19. pmvaldon

    My First Planted Nano Aquarium...

    i think #1 is a ludwigia stemmed plant.
  20. pmvaldon

    Ramshorn snail?

    i agree with fiddlercrab. Remove ramshorns asap.
  21. pmvaldon

    Need opinions on water chemistry levels

    Sure, add a few fish at a time and see how tests look per day. i think your aquarium ia aetup to succeed and be stable.
  22. pmvaldon

    Need opinions on water chemistry levels

    ah with all those live planta should be good!
  23. pmvaldon

    Do shrimp eat snails?

    Shrimp will eat dead snails.
  24. pmvaldon

    Cherry Shrimp tank set up

    I would add more live plants, live moss etc. Red cherries will more rapidly increase in population. temperature flux doesnt seem to hurt shrimp like it can fish.
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