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  1. U

    Tank choice

    maybe middle of the road. Right now I have two AIO reef tanks a 29 gal and 4.2 gal both with most of the bells and whistles. I don't dose, just frequent water changes with good quality reef salt mix. I know with a fresh tank w/plants, lighting is important and CO2 dosing could be needed
  2. U

    Tank choice

    I actually have a 20 long sitting in the garage. was a reptile tank need to leak test it I guess
  3. U

    Tank choice

    I am not new to fresh tanks having kept African Cichlids once. Now have a nano and pico reef tank. Thinking about adding a planted tank. 20-36 gal range Suggestions as to tank , lights and filtration. Since I had the cichlids I never did plants
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