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  1. ThatFishChick

    Bristlenose Pleco Breeding Issues

    Hello everyone! So I just recently decided I wanted to try my hand at breeding BNs, and it seems I'm not doing so hot at playing match maker. I have a 20 gallon long tank,filled with super long plants and duckweed, very shady, I have a pretty long log that has a very cozy overhand and I have a...
  2. ThatFishChick

    Help! What is on my fish's head?

    So I just found this thing on top of my Banded Logsucker Marvin's head. Is this a fungus? Parasite? Or something I shouldn't be worried about? My nitrites are a little high. . .
  3. ThatFishChick

    Fun 29 Gallon Jungle

    This is my main tank, just a 29 gallon with 3 clown loaches, a banded log sucker and an albino bristle nose pleco. There was also a South American puffer in there however he has recently passed. I plan to add some duckweed for some more shade. That little blue dude you see to the side is a...
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