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  1. kashif314

    Convict or bumblebee?

    Are these convicts or bumblebees or any other? I am having a hard time id these. Doesn't look convicts to me because they have stripes reaching to their faces but doesn't look exactly as bumblebees I seen photos on google. Please advise. Thanks PS: This forum...
  2. kashif314

    Parrot fish with African cichlids? Possible?

    Is it ok to keep parrots with African cichlids? Who will be the dominating one and may bully others?* I was thinking to keep a couple of African cichlids with like three large parrots. By large I mean large like little less than size of a hand. Its a 100 gallon tank. 150 cm length, 55 cm height...
  3. kashif314

    Urgent help required about filter media

    I am starting a new tank. I bought established filter media from LFS. I bought a canister filter. Late at night started doing everything like putting inside rocks and driftwood and filled the tank and added Prime to detoxify water.* Problem happened when I couldn't install the canister filter...
  4. kashif314

    How to cycle a tank quickly? Please Help.

    I had bought tanks before which had established filter media but I bought a new tank and want to cycle the tank and want it to cycle very quick. I don't have any established media now so I have to start from scratch. Can anyone please tell me is there any product available in market that can...
  5. kashif314

    Calling in Arowana keepers. Please advise.

    I made some impulse buying before and regret later. This time I wanted to know everything before going for it. I never owned an arowana fish before but its been my dream to house them. Now, I can make a bigger tank. Very big as suggested like 500 litres of water. I have space and can keep the...
  6. kashif314

    Flourish Excel As Algacide?

    I am battling with algae. Started from normal green to hair algae to black beard algae. Bought some zebra nerites but two died and one remaining. Also a small siamese algae eater because tank is only 15 gallon so I can't keep her for long and she developed love for fish food and not helping as I...
  7. kashif314

    Your opinion on buying fish which was sick?

    So I ordered some German blue rams. Lfs didn't realise the heater is not working and they got ich. Now is it ok to buy them once they are ick free or avoid them at all cost? I don't have GBRs in any other stores. What would you do in my situation. Please advise.
  8. kashif314

    Is fin rot contagious?

    My lfs guy bought some fish I ordered but he said he took them from a tank where some fish had rot or something as he wasn't sure but there was something. It wasn't white spots and most likely rot. So he said he will keep the fish for few days before selling to me to make sure they are fine...
  9. kashif314

    German blue rams stocking question.

    I read that 20 gallon tank size is for two GBRs fish but i was wondering if maybe adding too many like overstocking will curb the aggression like we do in case of African Cichlids so they don't establish territories. Will this work in case of German blue rams as well? Like stocking six or seven...
  10. kashif314

    Heater below co2 defuser. Is this ok?

    I have a small tank but without lid and my AC is directly where the tank is so I need a bigger heater than suggested per gallon. I have two questions. 1) I changed heater position from back to the side of tank where it look least bad. But co2 defuser is just above it. I want to know if this is...
  11. kashif314

    Purigen bag position inside hob.

    Got my first Purigen bag and placed it inside hang on back filter. But i put the bag as last layer. First there is sponge then a sliding filter media and then the Purigen bag. Please have a look if its correct. Or if i need to put bag as first layer?
  12. kashif314

    Angelfish ID?

    Which angelfish is this please? Doesn't look like zebra angel. Please have a look
  13. kashif314

    Seachem Garlic Guard Help.

    Got my first ever bottle of garlic guard today. The color is black. I remember reading one incident at seachem forum where someone reported that his garlic guard went bad and turned black so that makes me question if the original color of garlic guard is black or colorless? It looks like...
  14. kashif314

    Peaceful small bottom feeding fish advise

    I want to know what bottom feeder fish can i keep who is not very skittish. Tank is too small for plecos. Amanos i can't keep because i don't have a lid on my tank and amanos are escape artists. I put a few corydoras but they disturbed my plants. Some of the monte carlo they teared from the...
  15. kashif314

    HOB filter sound

    I am facing this problem with my hang on back filter that it gives a sound like air is inside or something. Sometimes this sound goes away and filter is very quiet but sometimes this sound stays for days and its very annoying. It gives like a pshhhh pshhhhh pshhhhhh sound. I tried to adjust the...
  16. kashif314

    Discus ID please and urgent help.

    What kind of discus breed is this? It belongs to a friend of mine who had to leave suddenly for two weeks and i am suppose to take care of this pair. I put them in my tank. Tank temperature is 80F and i can't raise more because don't want to fry my HC. Tank is 16...
  17. kashif314

    What kind of Rams are these?

    Please reply. Thanks
  18. kashif314

    Any breed of kilifish who isn't a jumper?

    I love kilis but now all my tanks are planted and without lids. I love this open look of tank specially when they are planted and not big. A couple days ago i put a golden wonder kili and it committed suicide by jumping out. I see they are top level swimmers. I got interested in clown kilis...
  19. kashif314

    Fish id and some questions please.

    Saw this at store. Store guy had no clue about its name but he confirmed they are peaceful and not nippy. I bought 9 and put them in my tank and my angel gone crazy. Not just normal nudge but tried to eat them. I could never expect that as they are twice the bigger than cardinal tetras which...
  20. kashif314

    Co2 issue. Please help.

    I have a strange situation. My co2 bubbles are coming too much suddenly. I tried to lower the co2 supply but they keep coming too much. I see bubbles and bubbles in tank. Something malfunctioned? Please have a look. You can see i reduced to like 3 drops per second...
  21. kashif314

    Nerite snail trying to escape?

    I bought three zebra nerite snails today. Added them to tank. One of them tried to escape. I put him back in three times but he was persistent. My water parameters are perfect. I don't see him in tank now. Two are still inside doing there snail things so I think one escaped and died obviously. I...
  22. kashif314

    Seachem Purigen or clarity in a planted tank?

    I heard only good things about both. I will buy any one of them. Few questions are to decide: 1) If both clarity and purigen are safe to use in planted tanks? 2) Do they affect the buffering capacity of substrate or took out any liquid fertilizers we add to tank? 3) Do purigen need to be...
  23. kashif314

    Treating ick in planted tank. Please help!

    Bought a siamese algae eater and checked at the store and he was fine. Inteoduced him in tank and after like three hours i see white spots on him. I understand stress can cause ick but now what shall I do? Is it possible that ich goes away itself when fish feels comfortable? If not what shall i...
  24. kashif314

    Please ID this algae eater fish.

    Saw this at pet store. I have algae problem in my tank and can't lower the lights because my hc cuba needs bright lights. Can anyone please id this algae eater and if it is a good cleaning guy and also touch black beard algae too and is it peaceful to other tank mates...
  25. kashif314

    Huge algae problem in baby tears tank. Please help

    I need your help please. I have a 16 gallon planted hc cuba tank with pressurized co2 and hc cuba likes bright lights so i have a very very bright light like sun really. Within days i see too much green and black beard algae on dragon rocks. Please suggest how can i overcome this issue...
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