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  1. Bubba643

    Fin rot or injury?

    One of my EBA males has damaged anal and dorsal fin. The anal fin actually started as a pin hole and has since turned into what you see below. If it's an injury will it eventually grow back or should I be treating him for something? He is otherwise very healthy and spawning for the second...
  2. Bubba643

    Cheap Planted 40g breeder light?

    My wife is setting up a 40g cherry shrimp colony and will probably use a few moderate to low light plants maybe a few high light not sure. I don't really want to use a hanging fixture so one with enough juice to grow most plants but under $100 and top mounted would be awesome. Any suggestions...
  3. Bubba643

    Guppies, how do they rate quality, desirability etc?

    My wife has a planted 40g breeder with some pretty cool looking male guppies and two females. Was just wondering how you tell what quality they are as far as demand, etc. below are a few pics, are these guys pretty common?
  4. Bubba643

    Fish ID

    What kind of fish is this guy? Was shopping for plants yesterday and this thing cracked me up. Googley eyes on me at all times out of the water. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
  5. Bubba643

    Quick fish mom salute

    Had to post a pic of my hard working single fish mom. Had to separate the male a week ago due to aggression, and she's been a trooper for 6 days keeping her little ones together. Moved them 5 times etc. Well done! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
  6. Bubba643

    Malawi trout?

    Saw this guy at my LFS yesterday. Guy said his supplier threw it in with his last order. Haven't seen too many like this one was wondering if it's rare.[ATTACH]
  7. Bubba643

    EBA mating aggression?

    So my female (smaller size n pic) Electric Blue Acara laid eggs yesterday and all was going great until about 8 hours later. A vicious fight broke out between the male and female both were aggressive to the point where I could see one killing the other. As you can see I separated them with...
  8. Bubba643

    180 gallon Stocking Ideas

    So I'm sitting here literally watching the silicone cure on bulkheads to my sump and starring at a partially filled, fishless 180 gallon tank so I figured I'd dream about potential fish to pass the time. The only fish I am sure of that will be definite are no more than 6 no less than 4...
  9. Bubba643

    Bubba643 180 gallon freshwater planted build

    Well it's official, my 180 drilled bowfront is in place in my house. Wanted to start a thread to document before and after. Gunna take my time with this one, post pics, and get some thoughts from you guys each step of the way. Filled yesterday to test for leaks and drained, no leaks...
  10. Bubba643

    Anyone know what this rock type is? Safe for tank?

    So I don't want to jinx it but tomorrow I should be getting my new bow front 180 gallon (well Craigslist new). I'm pretty pumped (wife not so much)so I decided to go backyard decor scouting. I found these around an old concrete koi pond that I hadn't ever messed with in the 15 years I've owned...
  11. Bubba643


    I know many of them work but I'm looking for the best ich remedy out there. I seem to have a constant ich problem in my main tank. I treat it, it runs and hides somewhere and returns to fish after a few weeks. My water is near perfect and I do WC's more than two 50% a week. It's not the...
  12. Bubba643

    Electric Blue Acara Male and Female?

    So I had a smaller year old (what I thought was female) EBA in my 60 gallon tank. I then came across a large (also what I thought was a female) who was jammed into a 90 gallon tall display tank at my LFS with about 5 full grown plecostomus and about 30-40 different types of midsize community...
  13. Bubba643

    To treat or not to treat

    I've got two adult Electric Blue Acara (75% sure 1 male 1 female) in my 60 gallon tank right now. I'm seeing what I assume is spawning behavior(cleaning off flat rock, pairing up, etc). I've also noticed my one small male juvenile dragon blood peacock along with the two acara flashing in the...
  14. Bubba643

    Thinking of adding a plecostomus?

    Figured I'd post a pic of my juvenile 2.5 inch Royal pleco to illustrate the effects plecostomus can have on the bio load of a tank. Important to note this particular fish will grow to 15-17 inches as a mature adult. Pictured waste was a result of feeding one dime size algae wafer and I also...
  15. Bubba643

    Cycling x4 40 gallon breeder tanks

    So I'm setting up some additional bare bottom breeder tanks for misc use down the road. I'm attempting fishless cycle on all but haven't ever done this before. I setting them up one at a time. I have a fully cycled tank which I was running an extra HOB Marineland 350 bio wheel which I removed...
  16. Bubba643

    Nitrite poisoning?

    I've gotten my nitrites under control and successfully treated the ich in my tank. This guy is my last patient it seems, but I'm not sure what he has. Dark spots or lines appear on his body often times in different spots on different day. I'm leaning blood disease from the previously high...
  17. Bubba643

    DYI remote LED hood completed, no tools, under two hours, $96

    So I decided to walk my entire local Lowe's store today. My goal was to build the best 48" hood I could under $100, with minimal tools and fitting all materials in my mid size car back to my house. I couldn't be more happy with the results. This was around $96 with tax. If you decide price...
  18. Bubba643

    African or South American?

    This guy was part of a 7/$20 purchase of "mixed African chiclids" It was the only one like it amongst the 40 or so fish in that tank at the store. It looks more like a South American or central chiclid to me but I figured someone might be able to tell me for sure.
  19. Bubba643

    High Nitrite between 2-5ppm and Ich

    I've got a 60 gallon setup with two Marineland 350 biowheel filters running currently, temp 79, gravel sub. Tank was set up Jan 3rd and I added 6-10 mixed juvenile African Chiclids under 1" , and a royal pleco about 2 week later. Fish were doing great up until about a week ago when I lost one...
  20. Bubba643

    Hello there

    Just rejoined the hobby after a 15 year break. Santa wanted my kids to enjoy the happiness of fish keeping and observing so he brought our family a 60 gallon setup for Xmas. I was employed as an assistant to a great fish keeper at a large local fish store back in college which is where most of...
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