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  1. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    Now I am two and a half weeks into the cycle and things are starting to happen. Ammonia level drooped to about 0.25 PPM, nitrites are at least 5.0 PPM, nitrates have shown up and are about 20-30 PPM and the PH is dropping it was down to 6.4 so I did a PWC and now it's right back up to 7.4-7.6...
  2. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    I was wondering if adding water during the cycle would have any negative effect on it. I added about a gallon of water last night due to evaporation. I did use prime in the new water to make sure I removed the chlorine.
  3. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    That is very good news, my wife is getting restless looking at an Aquarium with no fish in it.
  4. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    14 days into fishless cycle and nitrites show up at 1 ppm. However my ammonia is still at 4 ppm is this normal? Do I need to do anything other than test water? According to "The (almost) Complete Guide and FAQ to Fishless Cycling" the ammonia should drop 1st then nitrites show up. The PH is...
  5. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    8 days in ammonia levels holding at 4 PPM Okay I'm 8 days into my fishless cycle. I am now using pure ammonia from ACE hardware. At first I put in too much over 6 PPM so I did partial water changes until I got it down to 4 PPM. Now for the last 5 day my ammonia levels are still holding at 4 PPM...
  6. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    I just went to Ace Hardware for ammonia and added it. The level spiked to about 8 PPM so I did a 25% water change now the ammonia is between 4 and 6 PPM. So correct me if I'm wrong, now I just check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels every day and wait.
  7. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    Thats good news. I have removed the srimp and tested the water. PH 7.6. Ammonia 0.5, Nitrite and Nitrate both 0, water temp 76 degrees F.
  8. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    I haven't tested them yet. I need to buy a kit I am going to pick up the "API Freshwater Aquarium Master Test Kit" and test the water once I get it. I know I'm a little out of order by not having the test kit already, is it to late to test the water now or do I have to start this process over?
  9. B

    Fishless cycling with raw shrimp and live plants

    I'm setting up a new 20 gallon aquarium and I'm doing a fishless cycle. I filled the aquarium 4 days ago with gravel, bubble stone, filter and heater and some stones from the bottom of an existing Betta fish bowl as starter bacteria. Then in two days the water got cloudy, yesterday I added about...
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