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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. C

    Freshwater Disaster

    Update Well the last fish, the gold gourami died last night, 8O so I suppose I'll start over completely, should i let the system run for more than 36 hours before i add any fish? I will also be purchasing a test kit, and maybe getting rid of some of the fake plants in the tank, I have 2...
  2. C

    Freshwater Disaster

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and I'm in need of some advice. On August 27th I bought a brand new fish tank. I believe it's called an Eclipse. I purchased it at Petsmart and its a 6 gallon tank. Well I went by the book put the tank together, got some bottled water and let it run without...
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