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  1. TeenyFish

    Anyone know what this is?

    Sailfin molly, agree with above.
  2. TeenyFish

    Algae issues

    Doesn't really matter. If it's bugging you, take the stuff out an clean it. If you're not that bothered, leave it. Best bet is to get to the root of the problem so once you do get rid of it, it's not coming back. How long do you have the lights on for? How much natural daylight/direct...
  3. TeenyFish

    Identify fish

    It's a brackish fish, so it needs some salt but not to full marine levels. It should be kept in a school of at least six, and they can get to just under a foot long, so need a pretty big tank. It will eat plants, if you have live ones, and if you have java fern get it out 'cause it's poisonous...
  4. TeenyFish

    Can I have a male siamese fighter with other fish?

    To breed bettas, you need to slowly introduce the male and female by having their tanks next to each other for a week, then placing her in a clear jar in his tank for a few minutes a few times a day for several days, then adding her directly to his tank for a few minutes several times a day for...
  5. TeenyFish

    Can I have a male siamese fighter with other fish?

    I personally feel this is a bloodbath waiting to happen, but... maybe that's just me. You want to put one of the few common fish truly designed to live alone, in a tank with other bright fish, with females of his own kind, and not have breeding or injury/death? I think you'll end up with...
  6. TeenyFish

    Ammonia! Why?

    Have you tested your tap water? Possible it holds trace amounts...
  7. TeenyFish

    How Can I Take Care of This Amphibian?

    What size tank are you planning on keeping it in? I believe they need at least 9645853278632 gallons to give them plenty of room to roam. They enjoy plenty of time both in and out of water, so be sure to provide places for basking. Such places may include (but are not limited to) your bed just...
  8. TeenyFish

    Boesmani rainbow fish

    No new advice, but, that^ tank is gorgeous!
  9. TeenyFish

    What to Do?

    I think QT really needs to be a 5g. Just because fish may be sick; they still need to be able to swim around.
  10. TeenyFish

    What to Do?

    I have two 1.5s. One is my snail house for pond/bladder snails for my puffers and turtle, and the other is for housing/breeding daphnia to feed everybody every now and then.
  11. TeenyFish

    Pregnant platy

    I'd feed her a boiled deshelled pea and just check it's not a blockage somewhere, but yes, she does look pregnant.
  12. TeenyFish

    Creating a water test log

    I love how you can see the cycle happening :) I would do a water change anywhere over 20ppm nitrAte. If it gets to 40 in a one-off situation it won't hurt, but to be that high over a prolonged period of time would be stressful. This is a great idea :)
  13. TeenyFish

    Pond snail

    Once they're in, they're in. Pick them out as soon as you see them. If you find yourself getting overrun with them, put a slice of cucumber in a little pot and put it in the tank. Wait a few hours, take the tub out and turf all the snails. You could get an assassin snail to keep them under...
  14. TeenyFish

    What tank mates for betta fish in a 64litre tank?

    Nothing is recommended for keeping with bettas. They are called fighting fish for a reason, and as docile as they may seem, can literally snap months down the line and kill everything or themselves. That being said, he's in a pretty big tank all on his own (somewhere around 16g for the US...
  15. TeenyFish

    green hair algae taking over my betta tank!!

    Your main "fix", is to figure out what's causing it in the first place. Too much light, and too much food are the common problems. Does the tank get much sunlight? I would start by switching on the lights for just a couple hours each (evening) when you're home and leave them off the rest of the...
  16. TeenyFish

    Top swimmer recomendation

    Pencilfish Silver halfbeaks
  17. TeenyFish

    Glofish Keep Dying New Aquarium

    Neons? In a 65? I'd get a small school of 6 and add them in all together. Neons are small for a 65 won't make a huge difference in the bioload (but will look great!). Then I'd give them a couple before adding any more. One thing: have you considered cardinals instead of neons? They look the...
  18. TeenyFish

    Hand me down tank

    I'm not sure on some stuff. Air pumps are the expensive bit of the air-chain. Get some air line tubing, and some bubble (stones, wands, ornaments), hook them together and good to go. Check valves are an excellent option if the pump is lower than the tank. Should be able to get a good selection...
  19. TeenyFish

    dwarf puffer and lfs broad question...

    That would largely depend on where you live. Two of my lfs sell little bags of live food. Online??? I also had a brain fart and was thinking about another fish, puffs will also accept frozen.
  20. TeenyFish

    dwarf puffer and lfs broad question...

    Live food. Mine eat bloodworm, daphnia, brine shrimp. They need snails every now and then so they can grind their teeth down on the shells. Most lfs will give you some pest snails for free if you ask nicely, and once you've got a few, it's not hard to end up with tons if you chuck a few in a...
  21. TeenyFish

    Glofish Keep Dying New Aquarium

    Add new fish slooooowly. Your current filter will be enough for your bigger tank because it's the same number of fish creating the same amount of waste, that doesn't change. I would get NT (new tank) all set up and ready and filled and new filter running etc. Do a 50% on OT (old tank). After...
  22. TeenyFish

    dwarf puffer and lfs broad question...

    Here's one of my lil puffs. They really are just the most comical little things.
  23. TeenyFish

    dwarf puffer and lfs broad question...

    Definitely echoing above. You have a plenty big enough tank that even if you ended up with three males, they'll figure out a pecking order, figure out their own spaces, and you shouldn't have too much issue at all.
  24. TeenyFish

    Glofish Keep Dying New Aquarium

    I wouldn't say Danio are hyper. They're active, always swimming around, darting out of each other's way, but I've seen crazier fish. If you get the 65 all set up how you want it, then you'll be able to move your filter from your current tank over at the same time as the fish and that'll be your...
  25. TeenyFish

    Different plant growth rates

    Ludwigia repens? I'm not too hot on plant so hopefully someone else will be along to confirm/correct. As for growth rate, could be a number of things... Better nutrients to start off with, better slightly different lighting, fish food falls closer to one, you sneezed on Saturday instead of...
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