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  1. P

    Beginner looking for advice

    @toolman, thanks for the advice! I think I will just put some nice decorations in for a betta then, instead of other fish :) I definitely will research a lot, I'm pretty determined to give my fish great care so he can live as long as possible. Thats why I'm asking around for what species could...
  2. P

    Beginner looking for advice

    Thank you! :) I actually didn't think of a Betta! They are really beautiful, too. Could I keep one with a few neon tetras? I've heard that Bettas prefer to be alone but I've just read that they CAN be kept with other fish, but should they be? I've never seen endlers before, they look super fancy!
  3. P

    Beginner looking for advice

    Hello everyone! I would like to start keeping fish soon, but I have been doing a lot of research and would like to ask for some advice from some experienced fish keepers. I am looking for species that would do great in a 10 Gallon / 50 Litre aquarium. Although I've researched quite a bit about...
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