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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. M


    Guppies So I am assuming the fish is already dead. And will the guppies provide a food source.
  2. M


    About the guppies though
  3. M


    Aggressive Do plecos or any type of catfish really, get aggressive? As I do not want my kois to die. Will guppies work with these fish as well? Will they supply a source of food but still survive to breed if there are shallow and deep parts in the pond?
  4. M


    How do you all think plecos along with koi will do? Has anyone ever attempted this combination?
  5. M


    thanks very much
  6. M


    Does anyone have experience with ponds and willing to give out advice? I am open to all suggestions.
  7. M

    Ich in My Tank

    The thing is I live in the tropics(Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean) and I don't think I will be able to get my parents (i am 13) to carry me back to the fish store so most likely no heater. I will remove the carbon. Does leaving the carbon hinder the medicine from working? I only learned about...
  8. M

    Ich in My Tank

    Medicine I have gotten tetra brand ick guard today but was unsuccessful in the air pump/stone. The serpae tetra has died however when I got back from school which would be about 24hrs after I first spotted it:nono: I did go back to the fish stoor and saw some serpae tetras from the same tank...
  9. M

    Ich in My Tank

    Hey, guys I just discovered ich in my tank and I am planning to buy either aquarium salt tomorrow or a medicine along with an air pump. My house is normally at high temperatures during the day which is why I don't use a heater. Can someone please tell me if this is a good idea or if there is a...
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