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  1. C

    Dying Fish and Plants

    I am running an Aqueon Quiet Flow 50, will that be okay to keep? I'd rather not change my filter if I can avoid it. Okay, I can certainly do that with the gravel, thanks! I just called my pet store to see if they'd test the water and they said they would so I'll be bringing in a sample later...
  2. C

    Dying Fish and Plants

    Oh wow okay, I was totally under the impression that it was horrible! I'll test the other water for sure. What else could be causing the problems with my fish then..?
  3. C

    Dying Fish and Plants

    Okay, I'll move the anubias soon. The rhizome isn't rotting but either way this helps. Thanks! I'll also get a test kit within the next week or so. Thanks for that as well. I do about 40-50% every week and use Imagitarium water conditioner. Water reaches room temperature before I add it to the...
  4. C

    Dying Fish and Plants

    It's not old age, they were all only about a year (give or take a few months). Thanks for the links, I'll look into it! I can't remember how hard it was, but it measured over 7.0 Update I just checked again. In the aquarium it's 120ppm for GH, which I'm aware is far too much, which is why...
  5. C

    Dying Fish and Plants

    Hi! I have a 55 gal tropical community tank that I've been having a LOT of trouble with lately. It's fully cycled according to my test strips and runs a 75 HOB filter with a filter cartridge (which I'll be changing to live media as soon as I've figured this out). We recently found out our tap...
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