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  1. N

    Tank Setup for Lyretail Molly and Giant Danio

    Hello everyone! My boyfriend's mother is a very sweet woman, but she made the mistake of trusting the big petstore for fish advice when they said the fish her 7-year-old picked out were fine. They sold her a single giant danio and a single lyretail molly, with a two gallon aquarium. She now...
  2. N

    Hitchhiker Snail Identification?

    Awesome, back in he goes! Thank you for the help (and the advice about feeding - I will keep an eye on that)
  3. N

    Hitchhiker Snail Identification?

    Hi everyone, I have a tank that's currently just plants while I seed a filter for it, it will eventually be a shrimp tank. Noticed this tiny snail in there, guessing that he rode in on a plant. I've tried googling around, and I suspect it's a pond snail, but I figured I would turn to more...
  4. N

    Black Spots on Betta Fin

    Thank you everyone!! I'm relieved it's probably nothing; I already love this little guy so much, he's got so much personality. I'll keep an extra close eye on him in the next few days just to be sure. Thank you again!
  5. N

    Black Spots on Betta Fin

    Hi everyone! I'm very new to the aquarium life; this is my first tank. I've had my male betta, Toddy, since Feb 4th. Today I noticed some small black dots on his top fin (picture attached). I checked a photo I took when I first got him and can see two or three of them, but he now has several...
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