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  1. M

    pH rising in my planted tank - HELP!

    Well i am thinking of moving to a new apartment, then i will make a fresh start, as for now, i will keep doing what i do. Thanks for the answers!
  2. M

    pH rising in my planted tank - HELP!

    It rises 0.01 in 1-1:30 minutes. Is this ok? I would like to have more stable pH though, what would you advise me to do for stability?
  3. M

    pH rising in my planted tank - HELP!

    No, the problem is not that it got high, the problem is that it keeps rising at a fast pace, i'm not sure if i want to put so much co2, that's why i stopped dosing it with co2. Usually i put 75% of RO and rest tap water, but i thought lower kH = higher pH(not stable pH)?
  4. M

    pH rising in my planted tank - HELP!

    Photo of my tank - Exept that the coral sand you see is removed now, but everything else is as you see. I do 20-30% water change weekly.
  5. M

    pH rising in my planted tank - HELP!

    Hello everyone, pioneer of this forum :) So i have some problems with pH in my aquarium.. The tank is 200l, i use ADA amazonia soil substrate, there is a big driftwood(which i thought should lower the pH) plus there are some rocks, but i am not sure what those are(not limestone for sure)...
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