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  1. SaraB

    Betta help

    Looks like he's losing scales. Is there anything sharp that he can hurt himself on? The pictures are a bit blurry but does it look like his scales are pineconing to you?
  2. SaraB

    Hey All From Canada

    Hi I'm also from Ontario. You may want to add a heater for the betta because it's getting colder at night already.
  3. SaraB

    Help with stock in my nano

    Both options are overstocked and there's no guarantee that the betta will want tankmates.
  4. SaraB

    What population?

    Black neons are pretty forgiving, I wouldn't do more than 6 Or Glowlight tetras are fairly easy, you could probably do about 8 Or Cardinal tetras, they're more hardy than regular neon tetras but may still be a gamble on how healthy they are. Again 6 max.
  5. SaraB

    What population?

    A small school of tetras and some corydoras would work. If you dont want corydoras, mystery snails or nerite snails are great. Shrimp may get eaten by fish, amano shrimp are the safest but don't breed in freshwater. If you dont have a heater some minnows or danios are good fish. There are...
  6. SaraB

    Which fish has the best personality?

    You only want 1 fish no tankmates right? I've kept both male and female bettas and I find the females have a better personality. Like tmaier said pea puffers too but they are small. Female mollies are also friendly and they get bigger than a betta at 3-4" A gourami would work as well A (female)...
  7. SaraB

    Fishy Fishy

    Hi, welcome to the site
  8. SaraB

    Jumping Back-in to the Hobby

    Welcome back to the hobby.
  9. SaraB

    Spot on crawfish?!

    Yes I saw the spot the first time , no I don't know what the spot is, but yes I would be worried about it. It could be an injury to the shell
  10. SaraB

    Freshwater to salt water help!!

    Just like freshwater, the bigger the tank the easier it will be to keep stable. Make sure you research the adult size of the fish because some saltwater fish get huge. It's also easier to accidentally overstock a saltwater tank. You have to account for less oxygen. Corals are extremely picky so...
  11. SaraB

    Spot on crawfish?!

    I don't know what it is but yes.
  12. SaraB

    Glow light tetras one ate the other ones back fin

    How big is your tank? How many tetras do you have? Do you know your water parameters? What is your water change schedule? Yes fins can regrow if the water conditions are good. Add a bit of aquarium salt or stress coat will help.
  13. SaraB

    Glow light tetras

    Glo light tetras are schooling fish. You'll need about 6 fir them to feel comfortable and will have a better chance of them breeding. I think tetras are not easy to breed but it may vary depending on the species.
  14. SaraB

    Missing fish

    How big is your tank? Does it have a lid? What is the hiding spot situation like? Are they in the filter?
  15. SaraB

    To Add Or Not To Add

    You can add to the skirt tetra school with white skirt tetras or the glofish version. Yes they will school together. Or A trio of honey gourami Or a single dwarf gourami
  16. SaraB

    Size of tank for betta + friends?

    Yeah, most cichlids (you might be able to keep dwarf cichlids), swordtails and larger schooling fish. You could do livebearers such as mollies, platys or guppies.
  17. SaraB

    Help? Uggggghhh Ammonia issues.

    What temperature is your tank? You seem to have a mix if tropical fish with your coldwater goldfish. When goldfish are put in tropical temperatures it increases their metabolism and poop more.
  18. SaraB

    Help please!!!

    They are both dwarf gourami. They need a minimum of 15g for a single, it's not reccomend to keep males together but I think the blue one might be female.
  19. SaraB

    Fin rot Molly?

    Other females mollies may be beating her up. Mollies can be jerks. Wait until she's healthy and put her back in the main tank. Then keep an eye on her to see who is being the bully.
  20. SaraB

    Hello! Fish noob here!

    Welcome to the site. Your pufferfish will need to e acclimated to brackish (slightly salty) water when it's an adult or it will have issues. Posting a new thread with pictures will definitely help identify what it's going through.
  21. SaraB

    Can I add another Cory catfish?

    Not if they have adequate swimming room and are healthy. They should be swimming around the bottom and around not sitting in one spot.
  22. SaraB

    Can I add another Cory catfish?

    It's more of a swimming space issue rather than a bioload one.
  23. SaraB

    Can I add another Cory catfish?

    If it's a species that gets 2"-3" then no.
  24. SaraB

    Can I add another Cory catfish?

    Regular bronze corydora or pygmy corydora?
  25. SaraB

    i need advice

    Yeah pretty much. At least it's a bristlenose and not a common.
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