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  1. M

    Fin Rot questions

    It was a crazy weekend but I wanted to thank you for your help. I ended up quarantining him Friday night after reading your reply. His fins have been recovering, but are not completely back to normal yet. His nose is still the same and does not appear to be getting better. We tested the water...
  2. M

    Fin Rot questions

    Yes he is the only black skirt in the tank. I am not sure what those test out at exactly as we have recently done a 20% water change. I do not have testing strips at the moment. I have seen the leaf fish pick on the black skirt tetra, but I can't say for sure if it is at his fins.
  3. M

    Fin Rot questions

    My 1 inch black skirt tetra appears to have fin rot. His anal and dorsal fins have tears in them, and his caudal fin, which is normally crystal clear, is now more of a foggy clear. He is a little over 2 years old. I have a few questions. First, what product is best to treat this? I am...
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