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  1. D

    Diatoms just wont go away!!!

    I have a 55gal FW tank that has been set up and stocked now for almost a year a half and I am still getting what seem to be diatoms that make the tank look filthy every 2 wks. I have 3 silver dollars, 7 flame tetras, 4 corys, GBR, bolivian ram, 2 honey sunset guarmies. I have lost a few fish...
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    Someone is laying eggs in my tank!

    So for the past few weeks I have been noticing eggs being layed in different areas of my 55gal, but mostly right in one spot on the front glass of the tank. They appear as clear eggs and then within a day or so turn white and look fuzzy, then my silver dollars eat them. I have 4 corys, 7 flame...
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    Ich once again!

    I have had ich twice now over the last few months and I am wondering if anyone can recommend some kind of medication that I can treat my tank with that wont harm my relatively new Biological filter? Iv had the tank for about 3 months and got ich about a week after my initial loading of fish. I...
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    Odd looking snail

    I found my snail today in the tank and it appeared as if it had died and it looked like the bottom had shriveled up or something. I moved it closer to the glass and within a few minutes it looked like it was going to climb out of its shell and after that when it made it back to the glass and...
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    I think I have Ick!!!Help!!!

    So I've had my tank stocked for about two weeks and just last nite and today have had 5 fish die. It appears to be ick, but I didn't know what it was till looking online. Any suggestions on how to rid my tank of this and save as many of my fish as possible would be great. I'm going to start...
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    I am trying to decide which kind of tetras i want to get. I want two different schools. I really like bleeding heart tetras. Any ideas????
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    Tank Decoration Dilema

    I am starting a new 55gal freshwater tank and I am still trying to figure out exactly how to decorate it. I already have purchased a large piece of driftwood, its fake and came with instructions to rinse before putting in tank, and I am going to use an epoxy coated gravel, that says to rinse...
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    Picking out fish for new 55gal

    I am starting a new 55gal freshwater tank. I'm thinking about getting a school of bleeding heart tetras, 2 dwarf gouramis, pleco, and a snail to start. Does anyone have any suggestions about other fish that would go well with those I've already listed. I am also going to give the Bio-Spira a...
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