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    Crystal red shrimp

    Can i keep crystal red shrimp in a ph of about 7.8?
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    Black kuhli

    Can i keep one w a betta in a 10 gal??
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    Betta w gourami

    Can i keep a few sparkling gouramis with a male betta.
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    Yellow labs.

    Hello. I have a juvenile yellow lab. Ive had him for about two weeks. The black streak on his top fin keeps turning blueish. After a few hours it turns back to black. This happens multiple times a day. Any body know whats going on?
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    Short and simple. Can i keep 3 female bettas in a 10 gallon.
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    Need opinions

    Can someone please tell me, if these tubes are unappealing and should i try hiding them or are they ok sticking out. They are on the left.
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    White labs

    Hello everyone, im having some trouble. Im looking to order white lab cichlids. Anybody know places that have them online and shipping to IL is <20$. Thanks.
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    Angelfish in 20 gal

    Can i take the risk of having 1 angel a german blue ram and 2 mollies in a 20 gal or should i not take the risk.
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    20 gal stocking ideas

    I already have a german blue ram but i am stuck and don’t know what to add.
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    Cory cats

    Can i have 5 together? Or do i need more for them to be happy in a school?
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    Tank mates for labs.

    Im planning on getting electric yellow labs for my new tank. Are there any tank mates other than pleco or sharks that are suitable. Thx!
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    HOW to post pictures

    Im sooo sorry guys. Im. A newb. How to share pictures?
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    Quick need help

    I have a Bolivian ram who i just got. He’s been hiding under a structure for a while and seems to be lethargic. He is breathing quite heavily. Anyone know what to do
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    Plz need inspiration

    Plz send me any of your unique long-finned or just very vibrant fish. I want to see of few that other people own.:fish2:
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    How many cichlids can i put in a 40 gal breeder?
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    Cichlids in 36Gal

    Im Really struggling to find info due to the fact 36 gals aren't that common. How many electric blue/yellow cichlids can i put in a 36. And will bristlenose pleco do well with them?
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