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  1. Starkkj

    Can I add ghost shrimps?

    I’d try for an amano shrimp instead. They help with algae and are easy to take care of.
  2. Starkkj

    Shrimp not breeding...

    Sorry for getting back to YOU late! I think the hardness is probably the biggest issue. I’d switch to buying and using bottled spring water and treating it with bacteria and quick/safe start. That’s what I use! I’ve noticed my females tend to have molting problems and die after a few hatches so...
  3. Starkkj

    Shrimp not breeding...

    Shrimp tend to do well at ph levels of 7.0-7.4, gh levels of 7-10, kh levels of 2-6, tds of 180-300, and temps of 70-72. Ammonia needs to stay below 0.02, nitrite and nitrates need to stay fairly low as well.
  4. Starkkj

    Shrimp not breeding...

    From what I’ve gathered improper water conditions can cause this. What’s the ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and if you have a measuring tool... the tds? Tds will always be the one to get you especially if you top off the water level rather than doing a change once it evaporates enough. When...
  5. Starkkj

    What are these worms?

    As far as i know, they feed off any type of bacteria. I’d vinegar your tank and start new just to be safe
  6. Starkkj

    What are these worms?

    Don’t quote me, could be wrong but to me they look like planaria. Do not put fish or other life in the tank without ridding these worms. They will kill everything. A good wash with equal parts white vinegar and water will do the trick.
  7. Starkkj

    Umm I thought I had a boy...

    Turbo hasn’t had snail interaction since before I got her so she really has no reason to lay. Is this snails form of a period? Lol. Every time she’s laid eggs now (at least 4 clutches on the glass spread across 3 days or so) I’ve removed them but she keeps coming out of the water as if to check...
  8. Starkkj

    Umm I thought I had a boy...

    please help. I thought I had a male mystery snail! There’s no other snails in my possession and I’ve had Turbo since May. How the heck is this happening?! There’s an egg sack in my tank!!
  9. Starkkj

    Is my shrimp okay?

    Eggs are still there so all is well. I’m using spring water I can get from the store in 2.5 gallon jugs and I put conditioner in it as well as bacteria. I think she’s fine, her color has returned. Parameters are all in check too.
  10. Starkkj

    Mystery Snail holding gravel. Is he okay?

    My mystery snail does the same thing sometimes when there’s too much light on the tank. Turn the light off for a while and let him relax. He’ll come out of his shell soon enough. Also, I would lower the ph to like 7.5.
  11. Starkkj

    Is my shrimp okay?

    So originally, this berried shrimp was supposedly a blue velvet but appeared more black colored and now she seems to be red? Attached are some pictures starting with the day I got her, last night, and a few minutes ago. Please tell me she’s okay.
  12. Starkkj

    We’ve got shrimplet’s!!!

    That’s okay, it was my fault. I added a piece of wood and dropped the ph dramatically. Luckily, I have some ph up and got it back up as soon as I noticed her being unresponsive. Today I went and got an orange sunburst or a neon yellow (they didn’t have them marked properly) so I can have my...
  13. Starkkj

    We’ve got shrimplet’s!!!

    Thank you very much! Unfortunately, one of the yellow moms passed away this evening which is absolutely devastating. Everyone else seems to be doing just fine.
  14. Starkkj

    We’ve got shrimplet’s!!!

    Okay so, I had 4 pregnant shrimp and this morning found some babies! I’m so excited to see what they turn into! They’re either black carbon, red rili, or neon yellow. They’ve been bred with blue rili so we’ll see what happens! ATTACH]317383[/ATTACH]
  15. Starkkj

    New shrimp

    I recommend getting a bigger tank... ten liters is a little small... I would try getting some brown/black shrimp/plant substrate, makes it a little bit easier to see cherries. Like mentioned before, get some more hides in the tank. Love prepacked plants from stores for hides, be careful with...
  16. Starkkj

    Pregnant shrimp

    Here’s a pic of the tank
  17. Starkkj

    Pregnant shrimp

    Alrighty. I just let the moms out of the breeder net and they all immediately hid but some are coming out now so that’s good. I believe the one yellow mom dropped her eggs but she’s pretty small so that’s understandable right? Here’s some pictures.
  18. Starkkj

    Pregnant shrimp

    I got one of the net breeders from petco which so far, seems to be working well. The only things in this tank are the 4 mommas, 3 (I’m assuming) dads, 1 amano shrimp, and 1 mystery snail. Nothing big enough to eat them but the amano is kind of food aggressive so I didn’t want to put the babies...
  19. Starkkj

    New shrimp owner - question about Amano Shrimp poop and behavior

    I have one and they poop long strings too. I’m gonna say no problem!
  20. Starkkj

    Pregnant shrimp

    Hey guys, what breeder box do you recommend for neos? I’ve got at least one that’s berried. Here’s some pictures!
  21. Starkkj

    More shrimp!!

    I added 4 or 5, I can’t remember, new shrimp to my 10 gallon today!! I got them from Pet Supplies Plus and I’m very glad I did. The tanks they were in didn’t seem all that shrimp safe. The ones surrounding had a pretty even mixture of dead and live fish. Im assuming their type because all shrimp...
  22. Starkkj

    Friend or foe?!

    I believe I’ve gotten them all out! I squished some and fed to my betta. I’m done getting grown plants! From now on, only bulbs or prepackaged!
  23. Starkkj

    Is my ghost shrimp pregnant???

    I would quarantine the mom in a breeding net if you have one, if not just put her in her own tank until the babies hatch. Then you can put her back and keep the babies separated until they are big enough to stay alive!!
  24. Starkkj

    Shrimp bowl?

    I recommend a sponge filter. You shouldn’t need a heater depending on the room temp
  25. Starkkj

    Is my ghost shrimp pregnant???

    Looks like you got a brand new momma there!
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