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  1. M

    Betta Fish Help

    Hi again fishingBuds, I have noticed he isn't quite as active as he used to be, and lately has been hanging around his heater and I've seen him totally upright lately as well (usually face closest to water surface, but yesterday his face was towards the bottom). He still eats, and still swims...
  2. M

    Betta Fish Help

    Hi fishingBuds, thank you for checking in! He is doing the same, though the spot is still there in one of his eyes (hasn't changed much). He is eating normally and swimming around, so I'm not sure if maybe he hurt his eye on something in the tank, or if it may be a cataract in one eye.
  3. M

    Betta Fish Help

    Thank you for this perspective; I did buy him from a pet store which does sell betta's in tiny cups (which saddens me every time I need to go in and grab cat food, and also compelled me to do research on betta's and want to offer one a home they'd enjoy). I can imagine this was a stressful...
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    Betta Fish Help

    I bought him about 4 months ago, and he has not grown/changed since then although he did nip his own fins when I first got him which made his tail a bit shorter than originally, but he has not done so in about 3 1/2 months. My theory on why he did this was because his tail got in his way/he...
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    Betta Fish Help

    Thank you for the reply fishingBuds. Does anyone else have any suggestions or thoughts about this issue, or any knowledge about what it may be/if he needs some type of treatment?
  6. M

    Betta Fish Help

    Hi everyone, It's been a few days since I've noticed cloudy circles in my betta fishes eyes. This does not seem to impact his vision, as he still gets very active when I'm around the tank and has not had issues finding his food. Tank Size: 10 Gallons Aquarium Mates: 2 Nerite Snails, 2 Cory...
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