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    My Danios Need Help

    Well yes, my tank is cycled and no, cycling is not the problem. So why did two fish die when all of them are healthy? The first had already become so discolored that I wasn't able to identify any skin diseases, and the second had tattered fins, brown discoloration, "cuts" and what seems like a...
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    My Danios Need Help

    I moved part of it yes. I had a double filtration system (penguin 300) because of the size of my old tank which I moved, along with the water, to my new tank. I still don't know how knowing that could help me with my sick fish, who is now dead, since like I said NONE of my other fish have EVER...
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    My Danios Need Help

    Yes it would. Using water from an already cycled tank and using an already established bio filter makes it so that there is already beneficial bacteria in the tank. If the biofilter and water are the same from a thriving tank, why would it negatively affect new fish especially if I had let the...
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    My Danios Need Help

    I know it's cycled because I used the water from my old tank housing mostly amano shrimp and guppies to fill it up, which had been running for over a year.
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    My Danios Need Help

    My tank is cycled and it is a little cloudy since I just fed them but I don't know the parameters because I forgot to buy the kits and I thought I would get it once I bought the other fish.
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    My Danios Need Help

    I set up a 20 gall tank that was originally meant to be for 12 neon tetras, but when I went to the pet store and lady working there said it would be okay to mix them in with zebra danios which made sense to me since they were being kept in the same tank. I brought home four tetras and four...
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