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  1. B

    insides coming out of anglefish

    just today when i went to go feed after work i notice that my female angle has what looks like her insides coming out at the genital spot she has laid eggs three times my levels are all normal in the tank. All info is appreciated. thank you
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    29g sw reef setup list

    no but i saw copper mentioned on this site a few time what would that be used for thank you for the cycle article but i was looking for more of an equipment list
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    29g sw reef setup list

    I just got into this hobby a little over a year ago with a 29g fw and i have loved the hobby. Since everything has gone so well i wanted to move to SW. If anyone could help me out with a good list of everything i'll need. I would be thankfull untill then I'll continue to read more books and...
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    fish death????

    I am new to the aquarium world so i hope i did the cycle right. I set up the tank with all fake plants and the decor hob filter, declorinator and heater for 8 days without fish. I did a 20% water change the day before i but my first four fish in. I got 2 white skirts and 2 roseytiped tetras kept...
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    fish death????

    it's reading less then 5ppm
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    fish death????

    and did a drip acclimate for 50 min
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    fish death????

    well before they were introduced my tests ran 0ppm for all amd ph of 7 temp 78F
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    fish death????

    I had just bought 6 baby rummynoses 2 days ago and when i got home from work yesterday 2 had died off it's a 29 gallon with two roseytipped tetra's and two drawf rainbows and then the 4 remaining rummynoses is there any thing i need to do to the tank erveryone else seems to be doing fine
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    stocking question on 29g

    i Have a month long established 29g freshwater tank 30"x24"x18" i currently have 2 rosetiped tettras 2 dwarf rainbow type fish and 2 white skirts. I was thinking about removing the 2 white skirts getting a school of 6-8 rummynoses and 2or 3 anglefish. and if that won't work can i get some...
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    air pumps?

    thanks for the website. i was also wondering if co2 systems are essential to keeping a good planted tank
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    air pumps?

    thanks for the tip and i don't know the names to well of the plants but i was going for some moderate to low light plants. I was thinking some ferns, anubis, and some swords.
  12. B

    air pumps?

    I have just set up my first aquarium it is a 29 gallon and i have been running it for a week and a half with 2 rose tiped tetras and 2 white skirts i wanted to start putting in plants and i was wondering if my air pump is needed or if i can run mine without the pump?
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