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  1. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Glowlight Tetras with damaged fins.Is this fin-rot or fin nipping from the other fish

    Okay, thank you. I was going to buy 2 nerite snails, for this 30L tank. But now you say it’s overtocked I don’t know wether I should buy them. I thought it would help with algae problem in the tank. It’s not to bad, just occasional. But I do need some algae eaters or something like snails to...
  2. ErrorcodeJoe14

    male or female molly?

    Well yes & no, they do say you should keep two females to one male. But because I’m unsure if it’s a male or female, I’m sorry but I’m not a lot of help. I would say I think it’s a Male, so you should be okay ?
  3. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Fish tank bubbler

    No your water looks fine, you could turn it down if possible. But personally I would leave it and buy a foam water treatment from Your LFS (Local fish shop). Then treat the aquarium and then you should have no foam, a treated tank.
  4. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Bronze Corydora acting weird

    I would add some medicine. Try this product Or this one Personally I would buy both and apply at different times Eg one one week and the other then next week.
  5. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Glowlight Tetras with damaged fins.Is this fin-rot or fin nipping from the other fish

    PH 6, temperature 25 degrees, oxygen levels are stable, nitrate low and nitrite low. Chlorine 0, ammonia?
  6. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Glowlight Tetras with damaged fins.Is this fin-rot or fin nipping from the other fish

    Oh and buy the way there all baby fish (Juveniles). What do you mean by water parameters (I’m new to this forum) and unsure what that means ?
  7. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Betta fish fin rot and possible dropsy

    If it’s dropsy then you might have to get rid of it. Sorry it’s incurable !
  8. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Fin rot or bacteria?

    It was probably getting fin nipped which causes stress and then died from the stress!
  9. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Betta is sick. Internal parasites?

    PS you fish might have dropsy which is incurable, so you might have to get rid of the fish. ? Good luck! Hope you can make him better ! Thanks
  10. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Betta is sick. Internal parasites?

    Have you tried the online shop AMAZON ? Go there website ( I’ve attached a link below)
  11. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Help, New tank, Tetras dying

    Yes I would recommend a better water testing kit. You should be able to get one for under £20 on AQUACADBRA OR MAIDENHEAD AQAUTICS website. May to adjust your nitrates try using TetraNitrateMinus (I’ve attached a Pets At Home link) that will help. I would purchase that (it’s the cheapest I...
  12. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Opinion on snails

    I would recommend nerite snails. They do lay eggs but need particular hatching conditions, don’t think they would hatch in a standard aquarium. so nerites are probably the BEST ones for you.
  13. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Help, New tank, Tetras dying

    PS. hope your daughter is okay, and reassure her everything will be okay ! It’s just a matter of time and getting good water quality. Another suggestion I have is ring the fish shop you bought the fish from and tell them what happened, they might be able to help. They might even replace the fish.
  14. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Help, New tank, Tetras dying

    Also I would not recommend buying anymore fish until the other fish are okay. And make sure you re test the water. Maybe buy a more advanced testing pack. I know your only trying to please your daughter but go careful. I would wait a while before buying more fish. See how the alive fish are...
  15. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Help, New tank, Tetras dying

    Hi there, sorry to hear your loss. I have 6 Glowlight Tetras to... Thought these points might help Did you apply water dechlorinator? If not there would be still chlorine in the water. Chlorine would then stress the fish and then kill them. Another idea I had is What is the temperature in the...
  16. ErrorcodeJoe14

    Glowlight Tetras with damaged fins.Is this fin-rot or fin nipping from the other fish

    I currently have a 30 Litre BiOrb tank with 5 pearl Danios, 6 Glowlight Tetras and 3 panda corys. However the Glowlight Tetras have damaged fins and tails. They look a bit like this. Wondering if anyone could help me out? Many thanks Fishy Folks :fish2::thanks:
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