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  1. P

    Breeding Minnows

    Finally able to save some fry After almost 7-8 spawns and different combinations, below what I observed It is not the parent or other minnows eating the fry. The fry are gone as they are not able to eat proper food. Even though I grinded the flakes and feed them, it seems those fine...
  2. P

    Breeding Minnows

    Thank you Andy Sager. I moved the cave with eggs and the male minnow who is working on hatching process to a separate tank for the time being and monitoring. Hope this works and I will be able to see the fry.
  3. P

    Breeding Minnows

    I have around 25 minnows in a 40 gal breeder tank. I see females are laying eggs and males are rubbing. Today I see one complete set of eggs are missing from the hanging. Probably eggs have been hatched. But I dont see any fry in my tank. Will it be very small to see them? or other not sure if...
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