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  1. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Bamboo shrimp are usually warned against having aggressive fish, which the redtailed most definitely is and angelfish aint no angel either despite the name. Given the size of the tank i could probably get away with it but i'd rather not risk that
  2. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Sounds like a plan, i'll see where i feel im at when i get to the angelfish then. Think i'll go with that plan. Time to start buying equipment i think! Thanks!
  3. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    If i can get the Congo tetras i wouldnt be heartbroken about losing the swarm of neons, theyre that pretty to me. Not quite the same thing to have a school of ~8 small fish as opposed to ~20 tiny fish but cant have everything of course. Wasnt aware there are plecos that dont get ginormous so...
  4. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Still bouncing around ideas... Thought about doing clown loaches since they look awesome and i thought 75gal would be enough for 5-6 of them. Upon further research, nope i need 100gal wide which probably will ever so slightly hang over the table i have already so thats out. Could fit a non-wide...
  5. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Yeah i wasnt aware they breathed air, i just learned that. Axe'ing that too. But, i think i can figure it out on my own now that im abandoning the shrimp. Thanks alot.
  6. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Yeah...that discussion makes me not want shrimp again. Like i said i wanted them because its a different shape in the tank but man, its really limiting everything. I might go with the original plan when i was still working with a 30gal in mind then, where i have a betta fish and numerous...
  7. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Yup that pretty much confirms what was going on in my head that i should stick with schools. Not set on numbers yet, but probably ~10 shrimp, 6 ottos, ~15neon tetras, and i had never seen those Endlers before and i like them so i might grab 2-3 males and 6-9 females if i can find them. I...
  8. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    I was expecting to have that be pH of 7 and around 78F temp with low flow. Use of sponge filters since i heard theyre better for shrimp tanks.
  9. V

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    Decided to get back into aquariums, as ive had them before but its been like 12 years or so. Never had a rather big tank and ironically the only place in my house that makes sense to put a fish tank can easily fit a 75gal with room to spare. The problem im having is theres several things i'd...
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