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    Worry Or Not Re: Algae

    I have a 55 FW community tank, heavily planted. Substrate is Flourite and black gravel, with some slightly larger agates, interesting small rocks thrown in for interest. Why is it that brown/green algae grows and sticks only to the tiny pebbles, agates, etc. in my substrate? It has gotten...
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    I've seen both Petsmart and Petco use leftover betta containers with the perforated lids filled with about 1/2 inch of aquarium salt and the rest with water sitting in the bottom of each tank. The staff don't know why it's there, they're just told to do it. Is this possibly because the fish...
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    Overcrowded Pearl Gouramis?

    I have a heavily planted 29 gallon tank with 2 male pearl gouramis that are now a little over 3.5" - used to battle it out in the beginning, now they're good friends. But....I also have 9 cardinal tetras, 4 otocinclus, 4 albino corys, 2 golden bristlenose plecs(?) - they are 3" in length, and 2...
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